How to Recover Your College Board Username and Password
Published July 6, 2019, 2:40 a.m.Forgot your College Board username or password? Follow these
easy steps to recover your information and see your long-awaited AP scores.
Forgot password?
1. Visit https://account.collegeboard.org/login/forgotPassword.
2. Enter your username and email address associated with your College
Board account. (Don’t remember your username? Recover that first using the
steps listed below.)
3. Correctly answer your security question and you will be
prompted to reset your password.
4. If you cannot verify your identify with your security
question, click Email Me My Password. You will receive a temporary password to
login to your account.
Forgot username?
1. Visit https://account.collegeboard.org/login/forgotUsername.
2. Enter the email address associated with your College Board
3. You will receive an email from College Board containing your